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(250) 220 1613


A development expert looking to extend best-practice in software solutions. Well-experienced and technically excellent, with proven communication and interpersonal skills, a team player/leader who also has the capacity to work on own initiative. Solutions orientated, performing well under pressure, achieving deadlines and working within budgets.

Recently returned from UK and now permanently resident in Canada.

Languages:  MS C#.NET … 3 years
MS Visual Basic "classic" … 8 years
SQL … 8 years
ASP "classic" … 1 year
SQL Databases:  MS SQL Server … 7 years
Oracle … 2 years
Borland InterBase … 3 years
MS Access … 4 years
Other:  Syncfusion Essential Studio … 2 years
MS SourceSafe … 4.5 years
Merant PVCS … 1.5 year
Configuration Management processes … 4 years
Legacy:  VAX/VMS, IBM mainframes, Unix, and Pick O/S
COBOL, Cognos Powerhouse, DCL, and Pro-IV
Interpersonal:  Team Leadership … 1.5 years
Mentoring … 1 years
Business Areas:  Financial (Merchant bank, Pensions, Retail bank) … 9.5 years
Automotive … 3 years
Construction … 2 years
Telecoms … 2 years
Others … 4.5 years

Recent Activity (additional to employment)
Jul 08 - Present

Independent Consultant/Developer

- Mentoring of a former mainframe COBOL programmer in MS C#.NET and MS SQL Server (winform and ASP.NET).
- Support for various web sites.

- Obtained Microsoft certifications (MCTS x2) in .NET technologies. Studying for further certification (additional MCTS and MCPD).

Employment History
Jul 08 - Present

Independent Consultant/Developer (part time)

Clients: BITS

- Redeveloping retail application into MS C#.NET/MS SQL Server and extending functionality.

Jul 04 - Dec 08

Contract Developer
OrangeGenie (UK)

Clients: Global Asset Management
Isban/Abbey National
Coke-Cola Enterprises
Norwich Union
Countrywide Surveyors

- Liaised with client’s development team to create and clarify pattern-based coding standards. Managed client’s common framework.
- Developed a real-time data monitoring program (a front-end that included drill-down analysis and used sockets to respond to database changes in real-time).
- Developed a series of static data maintenance programs for use with a new 3rd party trade system solution.
- Rescued and completed project to develop a common account reconciliation application.
- Created series of procedures using MS Visual Basic 6 and screen scraping to automate IBM mainframe processes.
- Automated (via MS Visual Basic 6) replication of central MS SQL Server 2000 databases to multiple tablet PC based MSDE 2000 databases.
- Built new functionality into sales promotion planning tool.
- Modularised and standardised series of complex DTS scripts used to upgrade customer databases.

Jul 08 - Present

Independent Consultant/Developer (part time)

Clients: BITS

- Developed niche database application (sold retail).
- Coordinated public beta.
- Provided post-sales email support.

Jun 01 - Jun 04

Contract Developer
RCT Consulting (UK)

Clients: London Clearing House
Huntingdonshire District Council

- Dedicated role performing Configuration Management tasks including process planning, software change tracking and auditing, repository administration, configuration documentation, software builds.
- Replaced legacy interface software between council systems (MS Visual Basic 6 and MS SQL Server 2000). Full software lifecycle including architecture, analysis, coding, testing, user training, security, and documentation.
- Mentored permanent staff in MS Visual Basic 6, general SQL and MS SQL Server 2000, and introduction to configuration management concepts.
- Replaced client’s existing website with e-commerce solution (using off-the-shelf ASP/Access-based packages merged together, customised, and adding bespoke functionality).

Sep 99 - May 01


Clients: Cable & Wireless

- Co-ordinated and installed VMS software releases at multiple sites globally.
- Lead team with 2 other staff in providing multinational patching support 24/7.
- Wrote automated script system to remotely patch application software.

Prior Employment History

May 97 - Sep 99

Contract Developer
RCT Consulting


Clients: Credit Suisse First Boston
Deutsche Morgan Grenfell

- 24/7 on-call support of back-end.
- Y2K project.
- Developed financial reports.

Mar 92 - May 97

Rothschild Asset Management

(UK and Guernsey)

- Performed DEC VAX to DEC Alpha conversion.
- Design, implementation, and maintenance of source code repository tools.
- Maintained Portfolio Valuation software.

Feb 89 - Nov 91

Systems Engineer

(UK, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Belgium)

Clients: GM Europe

- Installed spare parts application (mixed VMS and IBM) in Italy and Switzerland.
- Designed and developed front-end to VMS source code repository.
- Developed and managed patches of spare parts application.

Oct 88 - Dec 88

Morgan Grenfell & Co Ltd


- Development tasks including Stock Exchange tape interfaces and fiche software.

Feb 87 - Sep 88

SGB plc


- Designed, developed, and maintained accounting functions.
- Developed programming standards.

MCTS logo

MCTS - .NET Framework 2.0, Windows Applications
MCTS - .NET Framework 2.0, Web Applications

MCSD - Visual Studio 6.0

MCSD logo

NESCOT - North East Surrey College Of Technology (UK)
City and Guilds 417 Certificate in Application Programming

University of Calgary (Canada)
First year Computer Science and Psychology
Passed courses in: Computer Science, Mathematics, Philosophy, and Psychology

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